I saw this question on Stack Overflow some times ago, it amounted to emulating a switch() statement in template code. Then recently I saw a nice example of doing this.
First, the oldskool style, using Boost and C++98:
template <int N> struct shortest_fitting_int { BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(N > 0); BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(N <= sizeof(int64_t)); typedef typename boost::conditional< (N <= sizeof(int8_t)), int8_t, typename boost::conditional< (N <= sizeof(int16_t)), int16_t, typename boost::conditional< (N <= sizeof(int32_t)), int32_t, int64_t >::type >::type >::type type; };Note the the usage of BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT() and the ubiqutous ::type suffix!
Now have a look at the "modern" C++11 style:
template <int N> struct shortest_fitting_int { static_assert(N > 0, "negative N"); static_assert(N <= sizeof(int64_t), "N > 8"); typedef std::conditional_t< (N <= sizeof(int8_t)), int8_t, std::conditional_t< (N <= sizeof(int16_t)), int16_t, std::conditional_t< (N <= sizeof(int32_t)), int32_t, int64_t > > > type; };Did you notice how much more readable the code is? The small, innocent-looking C++11 innovation of using XXX_t templates (like void_t, enable_if_t and their ilk) removes so much of clutter! Nice one!
Source: Andrzej's C++ blog: Handling short codes — part I.